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Meet the Crew

The wasteland is full of characters!

Fallout lends itself very nicely in experiencing a large variety of NPC characters and personalities throughout the wastelands, no matter how dull or over the top they may be. But it doesn't end there, it also provides players with the ability to create their own playable personas.


Whether it be based on something real or are completely made up to role-play, many have loved creating a variety of characters in their single player or multiplayer games.

Below you can find out a little more about the characters who put in the hard work that goes behind the creation of the Capital Wasteland Travel Guide episodes.

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  • Discord

"I know there's a Nuka~Cola Quantum here somewhere!"

Origin: Capital Wasteland

DOB: February-27-2237

Occupation: Documenting previous and post war locations, remaining or not.

Additional Notes:

Known as the Traveler, Explorer, Historian, or Cartographer, Dom's the creator of the Capital Wasteland Travel Guide. He can be spotted across various areas in the DMV documenting locations and helping wastelanders..


A crafty fellow as a jack of all trades could not better describe him, for he is a master of none, but oftentimes finds it better than being a master of one.


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"Go ahead, blame it on Sunfire!"

Origin: Aotearoa

DOB: Unknown

Occupation: Voice Actor, Story Teller, Content Creator

Additional Notes: An integral part of the Capital Wasteland Travel Guide who offers a wealth of information through science about the wasteland.


While providing DomQuantum with navigational data for new locations, its suspected that Sunfire has alternative motivates as he attempts to have DomQuantum run "side experiments" on his travels.

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Origin:  Capital Wasteland

DOB: Unknown

Occupation: Companion

Additional Notes: Stoic in nature, incredibly loyal, calm, attentive, highly altered, only barks when suspicious of others motives. Loves head pats and belly rubs.


A rescued companion and best-est buddy, Courage is always seen at DomQuantum's side. That is unless loud noises like lightning from a rad storm or an explosion of gunfire is heard over the night sky, then of course he can be found under a table or some hidey-hole.

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"Bleep Boop Bip Beep!"

Origin: Capital Wasteland

DOB:  October-31- 2277

Occupation: Record and Teleprompt

Additional Notes: A custom modified repair model eyebot unit that has been repurposed and designated EyeBot - Video Holotape Recorder or EB-VHR for short.


Rebuilt from scraps of various eyebots and other random junk found across the wasteland, EB-VHR was retro fitted with a terminal screen, radio microphone and video-holotape recorder. EB-VHR only communicates through a series of random electronic noises and words prompted on his face. It was designed to help DomQuantum document all the wasteland locations found during his adventures.

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