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Someone has been leaving holotapes around about locations across the wasteland and calling them the Capital Wasteland Travel Guide!

Capital Wasteland Travel Guide Holotapes

Never miss an epidsode!

This growing library of Holotapes contains the episodes of Fallout locations that have been currently found during our travels. It's been catalogued and made easily accessible to make sure you can stay up to date with the content produced.

You'll also find additional images that have been captured during our travels or the map research that has been done to provide further insight about the comparisons between the Fallout and real world locations.

* Marked locations below have been researched greatly or to some extent, but may still be subject to change as more research is done and information is gathered. Episodes for these locations are still pending until enough data has been collected to ensure accurate findings.

Location: Capital Wasteland
Area: DC, Maryland, Virginia (DMV)
Status: Inspired
Findings: Nuke and full of ghouls

The prologue holotape serves as an introduction to the series, it's a great place to start for that reason. Though this episode doesn't specifically focus on any of the locations found throughout the Capital Wasteland area of the DMV (DC, MD, and VA), it does provide a general overview and what you can expect moving forward by giving a glimpse into the amount of research, information and map studying that occurs.


(Original Prologue Holotape released 05.21.2020 can be viewed via channel membership only.)

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CWTG Holotape - Prologue.png

Duration:            18:04

Release Date:   06.27.2024

Location: DMV

Connection: Unknown

Findings: Inconclusive

Research is currently taking place, footage is being recording, and maps are being reviewed. A new episode of the Capital Wasteland Travel Guide is underway and so check back soon.

To stay up to date and be aware of the latest releases, be sure to follow, subscribe and activate notifications on the appropriate social media channels. 

CWTG Holotape - Coming Soon.png

Duration:            00:00

Release Date:   00.00.0000

Location: Arefu
Area: Maryland
Status: Nonexistent
Findings: Wet and Depressing

Arefu, a location that is named after a small village in Romania just on the outskirts of Vlad the Imapaler's (Dracula) castle, is a location that is interesting for a number of different reasons. The primary being that it's main story-line and quest is tied to "The Family" who practice a vampiric lifestyle.

Though we know it doesn't physically exist in the DMV, the possibility of its physical location might not be that far off.

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CWTG Holotape - Arefu.png

Duration:            15:45

Release Date:   12.26.2022

Location: Germantown Police HQ
Area: Maryland
Status: Preexisting
Findings: Inhabited by Super Mutants

The Germantown Police HQ (Headquarters) isn't a hard location to track down. After all, it's the central Police Station in Germantown, Maryland and the name is close enough to its real world counterpart which made it simple enough.

The building itself does have its differences from the Fallout location, but the general layout of the parking lot, fenced lot, and surrounding streets do provide some familiarity.

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CWTG Holotape - Germantown Police HQ.png

Duration:            10:00

Release Date:   06.24.2022

Location: Megaton
Area: Virginia
Status: Nonexistent
Findings: Just a hole in the ground

We know Megaton does not exist in the real world. After all, it was built some time after the bombs dropped during the great war of 2077. In fact, it's due to a bomb that the massive crater formed and set the foundation for Megaton's existence.

Megaton is a great example of finding it's position on the map for a location that doesn't exist, but also of finding nearby structures in our reality which might have inspired the idea of Megaton.

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CWTG Holotape - Megaton.png

Duration:            06:55

Release Date:   06.19.2020

Location: Springvale
Area: Virginia
Status: Nonexistent
Findings: Chard and desolate

It shouldn't be too complicated to find a town, the DMV is full of them. And yet, Springvale in Fallout 3 isn't a big town. Surprisingly, there is a Springvale in Virginia, but it only appears to share its name as our suspected area shares more features in common.

In situations like this, it's important to explore and discover as much as possible to compare and make the proper determination.

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CWTG Holotape - Springvale.png

Duration:            04:32

Release Date:   06.05.2020

Location: Springvale Elementary School
Area: Virginia
Status: Preexisting
Findings: Infested with Raiders

The Springvale Elementary School found on the outskirts of the town of Springvale stands out for a number reasons. It's a place that serves as a remembrance of how harsh and horrific the wasteland can truly be. It's not the raiders that occupy the building, nor the giant ants that tunnel underneath.


It's an elementary school where children once laughed and played, where innocence once ran through the halls, now containing the chard remains of what once was in cells waiting to be discovered.

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CWTG Holotape - Springvale Elementary.png

Duration:            04:20

Release Date:   06.12.2020

Location: Super Duper Mart
Area: Virginia
Status: Preexistent
Findings: Out of Stock

Finding fully stocked shelves here is now a thing of the past and now it's a place of danger and random encounters.


This particular Super Duper Mart ​has remained iconic and very memorable to many wastelanders. To locate this grocery store, close attention is paid to specific features that may not be seen at other food store locations.

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CWTG Holotape - Super Duper Mart.png

Duration:            05:56

Release Date:   12.11.2020

Location: Vault 101
Area: Virginia
Status: Nonexisting
Findings: State of chaos

Vault 101 being an underground nuclear shelter gives us little to work with on the surface. Hidden from the world for its own protection, we need to be resourceful by using other nearby locations to triangulate its position on the map. We can also further confirm its location if we're lucky enough to find any nearby structures or features that also resemble things found in wasteland.

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CWTG Holotape - Vault 101.png

Duration:            04:37

Release Date:   05.29.2020

Location: Washington Monument
Area: District of Columbia
Status: Preexistent
Findings: Galaxy News Radio Antenna

There are a lot of monuments that come to mind when thinking about Washington DC, but the Washington Monument itself is certainly one of the more iconic and memorable ones.

Out in the middle of the National Mall in Washington DC, the massive obelisk stands tall at the heart of the entire Capital Wasteland with plenty of space to admire its significance.

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CWTG Holotape - Coming Soon.png

Duration:            00:00

Release Date:   00.00.0000

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