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Want To Contribute?

Why Your Help Matters!

Every cap Counts!

My passion for Fallout started with the first game and was strong then. Yet, it didn't truly become what it is today after Fallout 76 and the amazing community of Fallout fans I've met through it.

Years ago, I saved up every bottle cap I could find and built a custom PC with enough equipment worthy of making content with Fallout 4. The Capital Wasteland Travel Guide was created a few months after.

This series, the Capital Wasteland Travel Guide, does require a little more effort than my other content. I've slowly been working on this series over the past few years. In that time, I've spent more caps out of pocket on equipment, software, misc. items and upgrades, fuel for travel and now this website to list a few.

But it's all for the sake of learning and improving the quality of the series and my skill in content creation. It's something I'll continue to strive for too.

Though it will never be mandatory, if you love the series, want to see it grow, and can spare a few caps each month to contribute to these costs. You will always have my most sincere gratitude.

Here are ways you can help!

All donations and profits collected by these methods go to the cost of producing this series.


Buy me a Coffee... on Ko-fi!

There's no greater impact than the punch of caffeine in the morning!

If you're looking to make the best impact to contribute to this series, this would be the best and most direct method in doing so! Ko-fi is a fun and friendly way to receive donations and messages of support from all of you. You're given a number of options on how to donate and Ko-fi doesn't take a cut of it, so you can rest assured your contribution is received in whole.


As briefly mentioned above, there are a few costly factors to producing content, including the varying factors for this series alone. Your contributions go towards maintaining or renewing a variety of items to produce content, but you also make a great impact with other Fallout related projects that may also potentially make their way into this series in the form of props, attire, sets and other misc crafted items.

You can learn more about this in the Discord server.


DomQuantum loves coffee (when there's no Nuka~Cola Quantum), so Ko-fi only makes sense.

Vault Boy Coffee.png
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